Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dementia Care Now More Costly Than Other Illnesses

A new study shows the cost of caring for those with memory loss is more expensive than other health issues. This cost tends to be out-of-pocket and in the last 5 years of life. Affordable Long Term Care Insurance can help pay for this cost.

Health care costs are high but a new research study shows the cost of extended care related to dementia is more expensive and more burdensome than other health issues. Much of the caregiving costs for these people are not covered by traditional health insurance or, for those 65 and older, Medicare. This means the cost of care is out-of-pocket placing a financial burden on the American family.

Health care and caregiving costs for dementia patients tend to be in the final five years of life. The study shows these costs are higher compared to patients with cancer, heart disease and other illnesses, the study suggests.

The study findings were published online Oct. 26 in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The research found that total “social costs” — such as government spending, private insurance and out-of-pocket expenditures for dementia patients — were 57% greater than costs associated with death from other conditions.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, a progressive condition marked by declines in memory, language, problem-solving and other skills that enable everyday activities, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. About 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s. More than 15 million Americans provide unpaid care for these patients and others with dementia, the association said.
Read the full article here: http://longtermcareplanningnews.com/article?article=146

Get FREE quotes on affordable Long Term Care Insurance: http://quoteonltc.com/

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